joi, 24 ianuarie 2008
A fost odata un print care vroia sa se insoare,dar isi dorea drept tovarasa de viata o printesa adevarata.Facu el ocolul lumii ca sa gaseasca una, intr-adevar printese erau destule;dar nu se putuse incredinta daca ele erau cu adevarat printese sau nu;todeauna i se parea ceva indoielnic la ele.Asa ca bietul print se intoarse in imparatia sa foarte mahnit,ca nu gasise ce cauta.
Intr-o seara,pe o vreme ingrozitoare cand fulgerele teseau pe cer panza stralucitoare iar tunetele bubuiau si ploaia nu mai contenea,cineva batu la poarta palatului si batranul imparat a trimis repede un slujitor sa vada cine ar fi putut fi pe o asa noapte cumplita .Era o tanara, apa curgea siroaie din parul ei si pe haine,tremura cumplit si era tare zgribulita parea ca e o tarancutza ratacita.Cu toate astea ea spuse ca-i o printesa adevarata cand ii dadura binetze si o invitara in palat sa se adaposteasca peste noapte.
"Asta o sa stim noi in curand!" isi zise batrana imparateasa.Apoi ,fara sa spuna nimic se duse in odaia de culcare,lua asternutul de pe pat si puse un bob de mazare in mijlocul patului deasupra acestuia aseza douazeci de saltele si apoi a mai pus si douazeci de perne mari de puf unele peste altele, deasupra saltelelor.Dupa ce pregati astfel patul printesei, o pofti sa se culce.
A doua zi imparateasa o intreba cum a dormit.Raspunsul aparu prompt:
"Oh!Foarte rau toata noaptea n-am putut inchide un ochi!"raspunse printesa.Mai departe adauga:
"Era o ridicatura in pat care nu mi-a dat pace si acum imi simt trupul ca dupa o bataie zdravana.A fost un chin!"
Acestea fiind spuse imparateasa gandi ca tanara era o printesa adevarata,daca simtise bobul de mazare prin doazeci de saltele si douazeci de perne de puf zicandu-si:"Ce alta faptura in afara unei printesa poate avea pielea atat de delicata?"
Printul o lua de sotie pe tanara,incredintat fiind ca ea este o printesa adevarata si au trait fericiti pana in adanci batraneti,iar bobul de mazare fu pastrat intre odoarele palatului,unde trebuie sa fie si acum acolo daca nu l-a luat cineva.
Once upon a time there was a Prince who wanted to be married.He insisted that he could only marry a real Princess,he set for a long trip to find a wife as he wished but he came back home,empty handed.
One stormy night,the Prince was at home in the royal palace with the King and Queen.Suddenly,a knock was heard at the palace door.There on the doorstep stood a lovely girl,dripping wet and shivering with cold.
"I am a Princess,"said the stranger."Please may I come in until the storm has passed?"
As soon as the Prince saw hte girl he fell head over heels in love.
"We will soon see if she is a real Princess..." said the Queen.
When the girl was shown to her room,she saw that the bed was piled high with twenty feather mattresses and twenty feather pillows.
The next morning,the royal family was breakfasting when their guest appeared."Did you sleep well?asked the King.
"No",replied the girl,"A lump in my mattress kept me awake all night,and my body still hurts a lot."
"Then you are a real Princess "said the Queen."Only a real princess has such a delicate skin taht she can feel the tiny pea I placed under the bed."
So the Prince and the Princess were married and lived happily ever after and the pea could be kept in the palace until now.
One stormy night,the Prince was at home in the royal palace with the King and Queen.Suddenly,a knock was heard at the palace door.There on the doorstep stood a lovely girl,dripping wet and shivering with cold.
"I am a Princess,"said the stranger."Please may I come in until the storm has passed?"
As soon as the Prince saw hte girl he fell head over heels in love.
"We will soon see if she is a real Princess..." said the Queen.
When the girl was shown to her room,she saw that the bed was piled high with twenty feather mattresses and twenty feather pillows.
The next morning,the royal family was breakfasting when their guest appeared."Did you sleep well?asked the King.
"No",replied the girl,"A lump in my mattress kept me awake all night,and my body still hurts a lot."
"Then you are a real Princess "said the Queen."Only a real princess has such a delicate skin taht she can feel the tiny pea I placed under the bed."
So the Prince and the Princess were married and lived happily ever after and the pea could be kept in the palace until now.
duminică, 20 ianuarie 2008
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